So after a long absence due to a very busy school period, I am back with this post that will put my fan girlyness in evidence. I will do that for your entertainment.
As a proud citizen of District Ten I have to say: Happy 74th Hunger Games! Because yes, The Hunger Games opens this Friday and with tickets in hand I shall dedicate this post to the series.
How I will do that? By giving you the fan version of what happened almost a month ago when I had the opportunity to attend the Mexican press conference for the movie in a fancy Mexico City hotel.
I was sent to said conference in behalf of a professional blog called Güik for which I had to write an equally professional note. (Shameless self- promotion: You can find that amazingly written note here:
This, my dear readers, is the unabridged version of what really happened on that day.
But before I go into the narration of the epic events that occurred on that day, you need to understand two things about me: 1, I’m very vocal about my fandoms; 2, I geek out to the point of appearing insane.
With that clarified, I shall start my Shakespearian tale. It all started on a grim Monday night when my boyfriend, whom we shall call Beast from now on, began to type my name incessantly in our MSN convo (yes, we still use MSN). Just as Beast was beginning to get impatient, I answered, concerned, and inquired what was happening. He asked me if I was sitting down and I said yes. He then broke the news and told me his friend had asked if I was a fan of The Hunger Games, when Beast said that I was, she asked him whether I’d be willing to go to the press conference in her blog’s behalf.
Of course I thought he was pulling my leg because we had just been talking about The Hunger Games and my girl crush on Jennifer Lawrence that very day. So after he swore to me he was being honest, I flipped. My mom was worried for my sanity, but I didn’t care. I was meeting Katniss freaking Everdeen I was entitled to lose my mind!
Then the rollercoaster began, cause TinTin was told that he wouldn’t get an interview. I was sad, but still excited cause I still got the opportunity to go to this event. And then in the afternoon he called me again and told me (like it was bad news, I might add) that he may get the interviews, but that he had to go and watch 12 minutes of the movie and that if I wanted to go with him. “No TinTin, I have no interest whatsoever.” Silly boys.
So the next day we go and watch the 12 minutes of the movie, which were awesome. The postproduction wasn’t even finished and it was still awesome. After that, TinTin got the news that he would be able to interview Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth. I wasn’t freaking out cause I had to maintain my “yes, I’m an uninterested press member” poker face. But as soon as I got to the car I believe I squealed making TinTin laugh until he couldn’t breathe.
So Thursday comes and I prepare my camera and my poker face. After two hours of class in which I looked like I was having a sugar rush, we got into the car and drove over to the fancy hotel where the whole thing was going to take place.
As press, we had to go and get registered in order to get our passes, which were pretty cool. We also got a chocolate coin that had the mockingjay logo on the wrapping—I forbade TinTin to eat it.
After the registration we were sent to a room where the photo call was going to take place. It was unfair because some guys brought some little chairs and they stood on them, blocking our view, but we finally got a decent position and waited for quite a while. Then, TinTin kindly offered to go and save seats for the press conference.
So finally Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth made an appearance and it was horrible, because I was trying to take pictures but the other press members resembled hungry wolves. I would’ve been scared if it was me they were taking pictures of. TinTin finally came back and took the camera from me and was able to take some pictures himself.
After that, we ran towards the room in which the press conference was going to be held. TinTin got us pretty good seats. They introduced Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth and I must say: it was awesome. She answered in a very smart way and he was very nice. The most exciting thing was to see that they were fans of the story too and wanted to capture the essence of Katniss and Gale.
But after the press conference, the best part happened. We went into the waiting room for the members of the press that were going to interview the actors. I was very excited, but again had to put my poker face on. Pretending to be a professional.
Psh, right.
So after waiting for a few minutes and thinking of questions to ask, we were escorted to the room were Jennifer Lawrence was being interviewed. Up until then I was keeping my cool. And then I got into the room, before TinTin.
Someone opened the door and there she was, sitting there in her awesome red dress. I assume she thought I was the interviewer cause when I stepped into the room she just stared at me. And this is what happened:
Cris: Hey.
Jennifer Lawrence: * stares * Hey how are you?
Cris: O_O
I froze and I couldn’t get another word out. Then, TinTin came in and began the interview. I took some steps towards them and he publicist, very rudely I might add, kicked me out of the room. Yes, it was sad.
Ten minutes later, TinTin came out of the room and we walked where he would be interviewing Liam Hemsworth. He appealed for me and told the organizer that I was kicked from the other interview. She assured me I wouldn’t be kicked out from this one.
So as we were waiting, Jennifer Lawrence comes out of the room and goes to the bathroom. I stifled the urge to yell “I love you, Katniss” and instead, I just stared like a creepy hobo. Then, as she is coming back, she began to walk closer and closer to me and TinTin, so I just grab his arm and internally panic. Apparently, she got lost and couldn’t find her way back. The funny thing is everyone was too busy staring at her to point the right way for her. Finally, she found her room and that was the last I saw of “the girl on fire”.
After that, they got us in with Mr. Hemsworth and I must say the treatment I received was very different. They brought in a chair for me and apologized for taking me out of the other interview. As soon as I reached Liam Hemsworth he said “hola” and shook my hand. We proceeded to sit down and TinTin, cool as he is, interviewed him. I’m afraid I have no idea of what was said, cause the whole time I was thinking how pretty Liam was. After TinTin was finished, Mr. Hot Guy shook our hand again and we were on our way.
Now, up until now I had maintained a certain level of decency. Granted I stared like a crazy stalker, but I had contained my emotions pretty well. That all ended when I called Beast and the emotional fangirl exploded. Needless to say, TinTin almost hyperventilated laughing and I couldn’t stop squealing.
So dear readers, this is the end of the epic quest of a fangirl. Now as I wait for the movie to open, I reflect upon this couple of days and smile hoping the movie will rock my socks. Until next time.